Parents, Need to Take Action

Today I wanted to discuss the importance of getting the children outdoors and encouraging interactions and social connections with other children and peers especially now, as, in parts of Australia, the restrictions have been eased. Thank Goodness, the health officials in NSW have finally come to their senses and opened playgrounds for our children.

With the new norm, of COVID lockdowns, parents need to really look toward mobilizing to the outdoors for adventure, discovery, and bonding opportunities. This is vital for young children’s overall development now and into the future.

It is also a perfect way for busy parents to get out and about, destress, enjoy some quality time with the kids, perhaps also connect with other parents, whilst also taking in the sunshine and all the outdoors has to offer.

If lockdown and restriction have affected or tested your parenting abilities or confidence, you are not alone. Creating Functional Families can assist, please check out our first step in Parental Development Program. We are here to help.